This years awards are as follows:
The Nobel Peace Prize goes to the Sultan of Turkey for shipping several shiploads of grain and edible oils to the Southern Rus after their second poor harvest. His gift at their time of great need meet the highest standards of charity and preserved the peace by preventing raids of desperation for food.
The Nobel Prize for Medicine goes to Ivana Ivanovich of Muscovy for her innovative work on using pH and silver solutions to treat serious skin infections.
The Nobel Prize for Agriculture goes to Jin Wang of New China for developing the cherry hybrids "Red Dawn", "Red Sunset", "Yellow Sun", "Pillow" and others. These hybrids extended the range of cherry cultivation as well as the cherry season.
The Nobel Prize for Chemistry goes to Zhou Dadi of New China and Lief Sorensen of Jutland for their work on the release of carbon dioxide from the oceans and the effects of this on ocean pH, ocean chemistry and stabilizing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
The Nobel Prize for Physics and Engineering goes to Arni Benidktsson of Antarctica for his pioneering theoretical work on new zeppelins involving a hydrogen core and a hot air inert gas surrounding the hydrogen core.
The Nobel Prize for Literature goes to Erik Egilsson of Iceland for his epic "The Decline and Fall of the American Empire" where he traces the consistent refusal to make logical decisions in America's long term self interest. He explores the consequences of choosing short term gratification and making irrational, emotionally driven decisions time and again. His epic work is a resource for not only for historians but also a guide for decision makers and informed citizens today and tomorrow.
Expanded later into story form.
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