She thought "Well, I guess all aliens look alike".
The story below was not widely inaccurate - but it was not very informative either. Some wild speculation and the wording focused on fear and, to her surprise, some loathing as well.
She then turned to the editorial page. Apparently only one columnist had stayed up to the early morning hours writing after the showing of the Alien Invitation.
"What is the North trying to shove down our throats" was the title. {sigh} It went on that, without advance notice or agreement, Throstur Eyesteinsson, head of Alien Talk, had come South. And this newspaper had learned that he brought with him all sorts of special radio equipment, taking up valuable space on the Grand Convoy. If we run short of medicines from the North before the next convoy - blame the North's interest in shoving the Aliens down our throats.
The column then went on about why do they want the South, after all these centuries, to start talking to this collection of monsters ? The North can handle one alien world, but they want to put the burden of 38 more alien worlds on the backs of the South. Given the time for a reply to a "Yes", it will be over 40 years till we hear a response. A majority of the readers of this column will be dead by then. What definitive good will come from this ? We can see the cost already !
All in all, she was depressed.
Well, let's get on with this day. She had read about a new denomination that had arisen in Antarctica - the Simple Church. It was unlike any of the churches she knew in the North. The Simple Church had, it claimed, a more basic and simple theology. And like all theologies, claimed to be the Truth.
They preached that God would bring believers prosperity if they made seed offerings to the Church. They believed in the inerrant Word of God, as interpreted by their Elder Brethren - their preachers. They had a very black & white - a very simple - view of the world.
They often preached about the wages of sin and the very many ways that one could sin. One could atone for sin with more fervent belief and giving as a sacrifice of redemption. That is a sacrifice on top of the 10% tithe.
The first two Sunday's she had attended Lutheran services of the Church of Antarctica. She sat, a bit uncomfortably, in the front pew as the honored guest during rather formal and stiff services.
Today, she would go incognito. One of her aides had gone shopping and had a typical Antarctic Sunday outfit for her. Another aide, whose Danish could pass for Antarctic, would accompany her. Most people would take them as husband and wife.
She put her hair up and wore a scarf, as Simple Church women were encouraged to do. She added a little temporary dye to her eyebrows to darken them, She felt ridiculous doing this. But that would make her look less like she did in newspaper photos..
She decided against taking the tram - too many people and someone would likely recognize her. They had a couple of rental bicycles for her "husband" and her.
The set off so that they would arrive just a minute or two before services started. They would sit quietly in the back and watch a typical Simple Church service, unaffected by her presence. Or that was the plan,
They had just found their seats when a large man, in white robes with a white beard and long white hair strode on stage. "Hallelujah" he bellowed. The congregation responded with "Jesus is all I need" "Hallelujah" again with the response "Jesus is more than enough for me". "Hallelujah" a third time and the memorized response was "Jesus is all that I will ever need". With that the Preacher said "AMEEEN ! Let us Pray".
This lead to a long rambling prayer that was made longer with frequent "Amens" and "Yes, Lord". At the end it included a call for "Protect us from Monstors from the Stars and those that would lead us astray". Obviously a reaction from last night. Rather quickly too. And that phrase drew dismayingly loud approval.
A few songs later, the sermon stated. The "Elder Brother" said he had planned on speaking about the Path to Prosperity, but last night had opened his eyes to a new danger.
"Monsters that know not God or Jesus are tempting us to stray from the One True Way. Their first attempt ensnared the North, now they are trying again to trick the South as well."
She wondered if "they" meant her and her aides, as she shifted uncomfortably.
The Elder Brother went on and on, using inflammatory rhetoric, but remarkably little specific information, logic or analysis. Just fear and loathing and appeals to the rising emotions of the congregation.
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