But the mere idea of a visit was shocking. They understandably wanted her to see only the best of their society, but that was not her role or purpose.
She wondered how this strong, vindictive attitude had developed in the South.
So she got out of bed and readied herself for breakfast with the Minister of Justice, her escort for the day. A handful of pine nuts to assuage her hunger before a quick shower and getting dressed.
She exited her bed chambers and was immediately greeted by the Minister and a mixture of her staff and his.
He was clearly cautious and on guard as they talked about the weather on their way to the breakfast tables. He and she shared a small table for four, with plenty of space around.
After discussing the details of the weather to expect, she asked "What type of people are in our prisons here ?"
"Over half of them are tobacco and nicotine addicts ! This is a particular problem amongst the Ozies."
You have so many tobacco dealers ?
"Many of them are in prison for tobacco possession."
You imprison people for their addictions ?
Well, if they are good citizens otherwise, they do to treatment centers and then back to contributing to society. But too many of these Ozies are shiftless, and a little hard work in prison will do them good.
more later
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